Healthcare is a “social services” sector and the professionals are purely focused on delivering their services and thus get paid for the same. In a developing nation like ours, the infrastructure gap is pretty huge and despite many business houses venturing into healthcare space and after growth of several corporate style private hospitals, we still need more than 2 million hospital beds to fulfil the demand.
Making such heavy capital investments is not possible for an individual professional or even by group of such professionals as returns are too risky.
We are working on financial inclusion system wherein access to financial products and services is made easy and the service delivery oriented professionals get all due support to build the needed infrastructure with “zero” stress. We support such professionals for raising social venture funds for making their dreams come true. All we need is strong commitment to work towards our cause of making healthcare more accessible and affordable and ensure that no individual shall fail to secure adequate medical care because of inability to pay for it.
Making such heavy capital investments is not possible for an individual professional or even by group of such professionals as returns are too risky.
We are working on financial inclusion system wherein access to financial products and services is made easy and the service delivery oriented professionals get all due support to build the needed infrastructure with “zero” stress. We support such professionals for raising social venture funds for making their dreams come true. All we need is strong commitment to work towards our cause of making healthcare more accessible and affordable and ensure that no individual shall fail to secure adequate medical care because of inability to pay for it.
As a healthcare provider you would always be worried for two things- first, how to increase the target or potential patient base and second, how to ensure that potential patients pay optimally and timely for the services delivered.
Your empanelment with CarePay card services will ensure that your facility is now within reach of every individual of the district or the catchment zone and that irrespective of their status or inability to pay for the consumed services, you will have optimal and timely payment for the adequate services provided by you as a professional doctor or a healthcare provider. In short, this will ease you out on both the matters- marketing & target settings and the payment assurance model of CarePay wherein you can be assured of the payment for services delivered.
Your empanelment with CarePay card services will ensure that your facility is now within reach of every individual of the district or the catchment zone and that irrespective of their status or inability to pay for the consumed services, you will have optimal and timely payment for the adequate services provided by you as a professional doctor or a healthcare provider. In short, this will ease you out on both the matters- marketing & target settings and the payment assurance model of CarePay wherein you can be assured of the payment for services delivered.
As a member you will get entire support for doing “public health” concern based marketing activities like health camps alongside CHM. We will provide you access to communities associated with us and also provide you opportunities for participating with us in different programs/ activities which will result in establishing your brand identity and recall value for potential customer engagement and retention.
We also support you in sourcing and channelizing patients requiring active healthcare treatment especially elective surgeries at special agreed affordable rate plans. We can effectively improve performance based on volumes sales that we can attract.
We will support you as knowledge partners and provide you update on industry trends, changing pattern and equip your organization with all tools to keep yourself “safe” from legal & medico-legal perspectives. In order to ensure viable service provider organization we also provide several hours of training & capacity building programs.
We also support you in sourcing and channelizing patients requiring active healthcare treatment especially elective surgeries at special agreed affordable rate plans. We can effectively improve performance based on volumes sales that we can attract.
We will support you as knowledge partners and provide you update on industry trends, changing pattern and equip your organization with all tools to keep yourself “safe” from legal & medico-legal perspectives. In order to ensure viable service provider organization we also provide several hours of training & capacity building programs.