Creating Healthcare Network with Social Values & Financial Inclusion
Community Health Mission proudly invites you to be part of the mega workshop and conference at Amritsar (Punjab).
The highlight for the event will be announcement of CHM’s first network hospital at Amritsar (Punjab), presentation of CHM network model, unveil Nirog Bharat Centre set up, live demo of health screening for NCD using advance iOT devices and do first CarePay card registration for Amritsar district. We shall have deliberations on the benefits the proposed model can bring in delivering better healthcare and assuring every individual of adequate medical care based on social values & financial inclusion system.
We strongly believe in the statement made by Bhore Committee (1946) “No individual shall fail to secure adequate medical care because of inability to pay for it”. And we wish to present our social model within financial inclusion framework which we believe can be the game changer for healthcare sector in India.
We invite doctors, hospital/ diagnostic centre owners, Social influencers, Media person, Healthcare SME, Self-employed/ business house/ high net individual with interest in healthcare sector, allied healthcare service professional who want to make a difference to theirs and lives of those whom they serve. Be a part of the CHM Network and give back to the community