Health Screening
Basic health status parameters are so critical for ensuring appropriate healthcare services delivery system based on needs
Health Kits
First Aid kits & home care kits with basic medicines, self test devices and support care items can reduce cost burden
Case Treatment
Illness of bread earner leads to problem on both sides, earning stops & expenses rise. Small help at this stage means a lot!
Sanitary Pad Vending Machine
43% of women in India do not have proper access to sanitary pad during their menstrual periods. Let us install vending machines in malls, offices, hospitals and all public toilets to improve access.
Pad Incinerator
Women during her menstrual period generates 125 Kg of non-biodegradable waste in form of sanitary pads. Let us put incinerators and make disposable safe for our environment.
Sakhi (Women Pee Safe)
One in five women get UTI and 33% of them get it as a result of dirty toilets. Udaan (disposable pee safe) can help avoid such dreaded infections. Come let us distribute it.